Author: sfoil Page 4 of 7

Are Paratroopers Good For Anything?

Against an army sailing through the clouds neither walls, mountains, nor seas could afford security.

– From Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia by Samuel Johnson

Inspired by a recent discussion at Naval Gazing.

“When Failure Thrives”

Airborne operations have not, historically, proven very successful.  The current size of airborne forces in Russia (VDV) and the United States is purely the result of institutional inertia and parochialism.  Read this and weep.

To briefly recapitulate the linked article: The most successful airborne assaults, launched by the Germans in 1940 (e.g. Eben Emael) in hindsight relied on the total novelty of parachute infantry.  Even by later in WW2, airborne operations became less likely to succeed and more costly when successful than the Happy Time of the early war.  At any rate, advances in air defenses and increases in the numbers of light armored vehicles (which lightly armed paratroopers have difficulty fighting) in rear areas made a repetition of operations like Neptune (Normandy jump) suicidal after WW2.  Airborne operations, being useless against serious militaries, were increasingly confined to “interventions” against weak or non-state forces.


The 82nd Airborne owes more of its existence to the Nazis than NASA does.

Black Easter/The Devil’s Day by James Blish

Now that I’m done pontificating about the Divine Comedy, I’ll take it down a notch and look at James Blish’s modern-day occult fantasy novel Black Easter.  Most reprintings collect Black Easter with its sequel, The Day After Judgment, as one work under the title The Devil’s Day.  Given Black Easter’s abrupt ending — I hesitate even to call it a cliffhanger — the Devil’s Day format is the best package.  Although the tale goes a little flat in the second half, if “modern-day occult fantasy” sounds like something you would be interested in, you will like this book.


Cover of the combined version.  Fairly tame by the standards of Baen.

A Manhattan for Manhattan Haters

As far as the island in the mouth of the Hudson River: sorry, it sucks and there’s nothing I can do about it.  This is about the Manhattan cocktail.

The Manhattan is a mixture of whiskey and vermouth, by default sweet (red) vermouth.  The International Bartenders’ Association says:

5 cl Rye Whiskey

2 cl Red Vermouth

1 dash Angostura Bitters

Pour all ingredients into mixing glass with ice cubes. Stir well. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.Garnish with cocktail cherry.

The only real variation on this are advocates of a 2:1 spirit:vermouth ratio and assurances you don’t need to use rye whiskey (you don’t, but more on that).

The problem with this is — at least if your crowd is anything like mine — drinking anything with vermouth in it is sort of like paying black people a fair wage to pick cotton on your farm.  There’s nothing, on examination, wrong with it, but still comes off as a sort of sinister affectation.

Women in Combat: Conclusions

This is the fifth post in a row I’ve written about integrating women into combat units; I originally intended three.  So what do I think?


Women are definitely too physically different from men, and combat too demanding, to make suitable combat soldiers.  The disparity is enormous.  Also, the social dynamics of mixed-gender organizations make them even less effective as combat outfits.

Feminism and careerism, the primary motives behind the push for integration, will pressure military organizations to lower physical fitness standards for entry, retention, and promotion.

The services can fight this by having their public affairs organs manufacture glowing puff pieces about token women.  They could also consider raising the organizational prestige of career fields where barriers to female entry are lower by appointing members of those fields to strategic positions traditionally held by maneuver officers.  The Air Force and Navy aviation have managed to avoid lowering standards, but this is fundamentally more difficult for ground forces.

Women in Combat Pt 4: Concentration vs Dispersion

I intended to include this in the last post but I seemed like a slightly different topic.  If a small number of women are allowed into combat arms units, should they be concentrated into specific units or dispersed thinly across the entire service?

The Thin Film

Women soldiers in combat arms units will either be spread in a thin film throughout the entire service branch or concentrated into specific units.  The latter can be done either with the goal of having all-female units, or not.

If spread out evenly, each combat arms company will have 1-5% women members.  The biggest concern the services currently have with this is making sure a given woman has at least one other female “buddy” so she’s not left completely to the mercy of the men around her in various ways.  The low concentration does mean that not every sub-unit will have a female member e.g. only one platoon or even squad in a company might have a woman in it.  If this woman turns out to be unfit for “line” duty, which is quite likely, their low density means the company or battalion commander can squirrel them away in their headquarters without serious loss.  This already happens on a routine basis as things stand now in all-male units.  The chain of command must avoid, or at least avoid publicizing, “disparate impact”-style analysis of such assignments in the integrated force, since they will reveal that such “relegation” occurs far more often to women.

Women in Combat Pt 3: Muddling Through

Integrating women into combat units is a bad idea, but it’s going to happen anyway, because integration has nothing to do with increasing (or maintaining) unit effectiveness.

Women are fine for sedentary and rear area activities.  Many of these duties — what go generally under the moniker of “combat service support” — have a very long history of being done by women.  They were gradually professionalized and put into uniform beginning in the early 19th century.  This trend isn’t going to be, and shouldn’t be, reversed; think of it as imposing certain duties and expectations on what would previously be “camp followers” in return for increasing their prestige.  Even then, the 6th Century Byzantine Strategikon contains a reference to these camp followers having some role in defending what would now be called a forward operating base from attack.

If You Speak English, Read Paradise Lost

You shouldn’t read the Inferno without reading the Purgatorio, at least.  Should English-speaking students be required to read the entire Divine Comedy as do their Italian counterparts?  No, if they have to read an entire epic, it should be Paradise Lost instead, although the current-day focus on Shakespeare is fine.

Dante is important to Western culture broadly, but he’s far more important to Italy in particular.  From what I can tell, Dante is far more important to the modern Italian language than Shakespeare is to modern English.  Milton himself wrote in English of course, and while admittedly the language of Paradise Lost is more difficult in general than Shakespeare, it’s not impenetrable to a bright student, nor does it require an antiquarian bent to appreciate as does Spenser.  I can’t read Italian, but translations of Dante don’t have the same touch as Milton’s English.

The Inferno Isn’t the End of The Divine Comedy

As a high school student I was assigned Dante’s Inferno.  Well, selections from, although being an overachiever I did read the whole thing.  Unfortunately, this is no way to go about doing things, although in hindsight I oughtn’t be surprised that our glorious public education system prefers to teach children about Satan, or to dwell on sin without repentance or redemption.


Pictured: Divine Retribution.  Not Pictured: Divine Mercy.

Women in Combat Pt 2: The Nose in the Tent

Women are generally incapable of reaching the level of fitness required of male soldiers, and cause social problems when integrated into previously all-male units anyway.  This doesn’t matter, because effectiveness doesn’t motivate military gender integration.  Ideology and careerism do.  These same factors virtually guarantee that the military won’t be able to hold the line on a single, high standard that only a vanishingly small number of women have any hope of achieving.

What is “Combat” Anyway?

Advocates of gender integration are quick to point out that women have already been in combat (Gen. Neller’s predecessor openly opposed integration).  The problem is that “combat” is a broad category.  The Army, for instance, considers “close combat” to be the use of direct-fire weapons (engaging with or being engaged by anything pointed directly at a target, as opposed to standoff weapons like artillery).  The following activities are all (rightly) considered to be “combat”:

  • A truck driver being blown up or ambushed while on the road.  On top of the truck sits a gunner who’s responsible for shooting anyone who’s a threat.  This is dangerous, but does not require a great deal of technical skill or physical fitness, and rarely or never involves sleeping rough.
  • A tanker or other combat vehicle crew securing the above convoy.  This appears similar to the truck driver, but operation and maintenance of these vehicles requires substantially more physical strength and endurance than noncombat vehicles.  Also, the crew are expected to endure worse conditions as a matter of course.
  • An artillery battery that often fires directly at enemy on the mountains surrounding their firebase.  Living conditions are the firebase are austere but reasonably comfortable.
  • An infantry unit that guards the perimeter of the firebase.  Occasionally they shoot or get shot at.  Patrols over a single night occur but are rare and even more rarely result in fighting.
  • A special forces team that lives in a foreign village for several months at a time.  Shooting is rare, but when it does occur, the team may be on its own for several hours at least.  Living conditions are extremely and deliberately primitive.
  • A direct-action task force.  They attack at least one objective (possibly several) every night but live on a major base where living standards approximate an American town.

All of these tasks have differing physical demands and living conditions.  Note that while a woman should have little problem with being a truck gunner, she will have a much harder time being a tank gunner.  Likewise, while she can man a guard tower, she won’t be suitable for an extended patrol.  The specific conditions of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan mean that these roles have suffered some degree of conflation, usually biased towards becoming physically easier.  Many infantrymen spend an entire tour guarding a wall, and many (most, actually) tankers never spend 24 hours outside of a base.  This creates an opening for claims about units like military police or truck drivers to say they do “the same job”, which is true, but what’s different are expectations, that combat units be required to do things they may not actually have had to do in a specific conflict.

Likewise, something about the elite direct-action teams.  They spend most of their time hanging out on large bases.  This allows for female support personnel to “work with the Rangers” or whoever, outside the wire even, while living in extremely comfortable conditions and, of course, not having to actually meet the incredibly high standards for the operators of these teams.

By the way, anyone claiming that “modern combat” isn’t physically demanding because you just press a button or whatever is either clueless (most likely) or deliberately and outrageously mendacious, and anytime someone emits such a statement I invite the hearer to scrutinize the background of the speaker carefully; the result is often illuminating.  Yes, such roles do exist, but it’s not what we’re talking about.  And they’re not enough to win wars on their own, anyway.

The point of all this is that just because women have “been in combat” and even generated photogenic casualties, it doesn’t follow that they ought to be integrated into combat units.

The “Fine-Toothed Comb”

The military services will never lower standards, but they will change them.  For instance, recruiting standards were changed around 2005-2008 in order to support the “Surge” in Iraq.  Qualitatively inferior soldiers were admitted to the Army.  Externally, the Army claimed that it was simply examining the records of prospective recruits more closely.  For instance, instead of automatically rejecting anyone diagnosed with a felony conviction or diagnosed psychiatric condition.  After all, just because someone was prescribed Ritalin for ADHD or got busted for a bag of pot a few years ago shouldn’t preclude someone from being able to Serve Their Country, right?  Lies, of course — standards were lowered.  The quality of these soldiers was immediately obvious to unit leadership, as it had been with McNamara’s Morons two generations before (the Surge recruits weren’t that bad, but it was noticeable).  Internally, a colonel in the Army’s training command went on a tour of major installations and gave a presentation where he blamed the problem on Millennials.  Eventually, the “suicide epidemic” (in active service, not among veterans) turned out to be an artifact of admitting recruits with psychiatric conditions.

This sort of history is probably the number one reason that service members are suspicious of any changes made to physical fitness requirements.  The current standards aren’t as relevant to task performance as they need to be, but at least they were developed before pro-integration meddling was a problem.

The “Standard” isn’t the Norm

One thing I’m suspicious of personally are canards along the lines of “Only Those Who Meet The Standard” will be permitted into combat units, because as things are now The Standard doesn’t reflect actual expectations.  Anyone who barely clears the bar to graduate initial entry training is borderline if not outright inadequate for performance in an actual unit, and absolutely unacceptable for a leadership position.  I’m extremely concerned that women meeting the “you’re allowed to wear the uniform” but not meeting the customary standards of their unit will lead to such customary standards being declared “toxic” even though they are a direct result of the tactical tasks required of such units.

Efforts to quantify combat tasks remind me of McNamara’s failed Vietnam-era policies; that they’re openly motivated by gender integration efforts doesn’t inspire confidence.

What Will Be Enough?

Any reasonable standard will mean that only very small numbers of women will be permitted into combat units, and those women will be markedly substandard in their physical capabilities, especially compared to unit leadership.  Because of the twin motives of egalitarian/feminist ideology and careerism, I don’t think that a 1-5% proportion of female combat troops with below-average promotion rates will mollify calls for gender integration.  Once it’s “proven” that (some) women can “meet the standard”, that standard will then be lowered, both formally and informally, in order to increase the proportion of female combat troops.  Emphasis on physical fitness and even tactical performance, being a barrier to the advancement of female soldiers, will become toxic.  Careerist female soldiers will happily go along with this, probably with the usual  resentments resulting from a correct perception of contempt from the men around them.

Slanted media/propaganda coverage, along with simple institutional repression, will ensure that dissenting voices are unheard while misleading the public about the demands of service and the capabilities of soldierettes.  I have personally witnessed unexceptional or downright incompetent women made the subject of glowing public-affairs releases, as has most anyone who has served for any length of time.

Women in Combat Pt 1: A Bad Idea

Physical differences between the sexes are so great that any reasonable definition of fitness for combat will exclude the overwhelming majority of women.  The remainder aren’t worth the justification that they will provide to lower standards or the negative social effects on previously all-male units.

Physical Differences

Strength differences between men and women are so great that only the very strongest women are around the average level of male fitness.  A man of above-average strength will probably never encounter a woman stronger than him between puberty and senility.  This gap can be “rectified” somewhat through the administration of androgenic hormones, but unless the treatment starts before puberty and continues indefinitely it won’t succeed in closing the gap and will probably only make the ersatz male more prone to injuries given differences in skeletal structure.  (Differences in skeletal structure already account for some portion of the increased musculoskeletal injury rate of females under heavy loads).

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